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Safety and Health Guide for Resuming Work to Prevent COVID-19 Infection

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Safety and Health Guide for Resuming Work to Prevent COVID-19 Infection




10 May 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and quarantine measures ease, workplaces worldwide are gradually resuming operations. This situation has prompted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to issue critical recommendations for employees and organizations to prevent further outbreaks and fulfill their social responsibility. Below are key points for managers and employees to consider:

Recommendations for consideration:

Social Distancing Lines

Mark Social Distancing Lines

To curb the spread of the coronavirus, mark clearly spaced lines on the floor to manage the distance between employees.

Flexible Break Schedules

Flexible Break Schedules

Do not set fixed break times or designate temporary resting spaces for employees to prevent group gatherings. Each individual should maintain a distance of approximately 3 meters from others.

Shift Work Hours

Shift Work Hours

Stagger work hours to avoid congestion in parking lots, locker rooms, and dining areas.

Avoid Public Transportation

Avoid Public Transportation

Encourage employees to use bicycles or private vehicles instead of public transportation to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Provide Sanitizing Supplies

Provide Sanitizing Supplies

Ensure sufficient availability of cleaning products, alcohol-based sanitizers, and tissues to help employees stay safe from COVID-19.

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