Main pageServices

Healthcare Services on PBmeds

Online Pharmacy

Online Pharmacy

Medicine delivery without in-person visits


Coming Soon

Home Testing

Home Testing

Testing at home or workplace

Online Medical Consultation

Online Medical Consultation

Text conversation with a doctor


PBmeds aims to be a comprehensive one-stop healthcare solution. By integrating prescription management, telemedicine consultations, and personalized healthcare support into a single platform, PBmeds offers users a seamless experience, eliminating the need to navigate multiple services for their healthcare needs. This all-in-one approach enhances convenience, improves user satisfaction, and positions the platform as a unique player in the Canadian digital health market.

Registration system for doctors and centers

Head Office: 701 West Georgia Street Pacific Centre, Suite 1500 Vancouver, BC

PBmeds support (from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm):

(438) 988-4884

All material and intellectual rights belong to PM Arya Telemedicine Solutions Inc.