
Sexual Health


Expectorant is an expectorant that helps clear congestion and improve breathing by loosening mucus in the airways. It is recommended not to use this medication for treating cold symptoms in children under 6 years old unless specifically prescribed by a doctor.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

10 February 2021


Sexual Health

Overcoming Anxiety!

The cause of anxiety is complex and differs for each individual, and is likely a combination of factors such as genetics and environmental reasons. Certain events, emotions, or experiences may trigger anxiety symptoms or worsen them, and these are referred to as triggers. Identifying these factors is one of the most important steps in coping with and managing anxiety attacks.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

09 February 2021


Sexual Health


Ranitidine belongs to a group of drugs known as H2 blockers, which work by reducing the amount of acid produced by the stomach. It is used to treat and prevent stomach and intestinal ulcers, as well as conditions related to excessive acid production in the stomach.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

08 February 2021

The effects of alcohol on the body begin with the very first sip, and the severe effects of alcoholic beverages can cause significant harm to the body. Drinking one glass of alcohol a day might not be harmful, but excessive alcohol consumption is associated with the progression of many chronic diseases and poses serious health risks.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

07 February 2021

Vaginal infection or vaginitis (Vaginal Infections) occurs due to an imbalance of yeast and bacteria that naturally live in the vagina. Vaginal infections are usually accompanied by discomfort and a bad odor. Chemicals in soaps, sprays, or even clothing that comes into contact with this part of the body may irritate its delicate tissues and skin.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

01 January 2021

Menopause occurs when a woman has not had a period for 12 consecutive months and loses her ability to conceive naturally. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age being 51. However, it can sometimes occur before or after this age range. Menopause is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes and weight gain, but for most women, no treatment for menopause is needed.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

25 December 2020

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that damages the body's immune system. The more HIV destroys CD4 cells, the more susceptible the body becomes to various diseases and cancers. If left untreated, a person with HIV may develop a condition called Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, known as AIDS.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

22 December 2020

Hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle (Menstruation) cause many changes and expose each person to different types of headaches during the menstrual period. Among the different types of headaches experienced during menstruation, hormonal headaches and menstrual migraines are the most common, and although the main cause for both is the same, their symptoms differ.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

02 December 2020

This gland can grow larger and increase in size as one gets older. The prostate (Prostate) may be the size of a walnut at the age of 40 and as large as a lemon by the age of 60. Given that the urethra is surrounded by the prostate, enlargement of this gland can put pressure on it and cause problems. However, individuals typically don't experience this issue until after the age of 50.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

01 December 2020

Hemorrhoids cause pain, severe itching, and difficulty sitting, but they are treatable. Although hemorrhoids are painful, they are not dangerous and often resolve on their own without treatment. People with this condition may show symptoms of anemia, such as weakness and pale skin (due to blood loss), though this is rare.Lire la suite

Dernière mise à jour :

25 November 2020


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